Cultural and Creative Industry 4.0

Cultural and Creative Industry 4.0

How to use enabling technologies for your cultural industry!

  • Cultural and creative industry 4.0: how to use enabling technologies for your cultural industry!

CHRONES. knows what it means to be a creative enterprise operating in the field of emerging technologies! As of today, wondering whether or not to begin a journey toward the digital transition is a rhetorical question: enterprises have nothing but to gain from adopting technological innovations and progress! This article will delve into the definition of cultural industry 4.0 and the ideal enabling technologies for your cultural enterprise.

What is Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 represents the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by the integration of smart digital technologies into manufacturing and industrial processes. The goal is to improve productivity, efficiency and flexibility by creating fully automated and interconnected industrial production. Industry 4.0 follows four main lines of development. The first line concerns data, computing power and connectivity, namely technologies such as Big data, open data, Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and cloud computing. The second focuses on data analytics and machine learning, algorithms to improve decision-making and optimize operations. The third focus is on human-machine interaction: touch interfaces and augmented reality for a more intuitive and personalized immersive experience. The fourth line deals with the transition from digital to real: additive manufacturing, 3D printing for customized objects, and robotics for process automation are some examples.

The benefits of Industry 4.0 for cultural and creative enterprises

The benefits of Industry 4.0 can also guarantee numerous facilities concerning cultural enterprises that would like to start on the path toward a digital and technological transition of their processes. Cultural enterprises can be considered incubators of new technologies or new ways of using them. The creative, production and distribution process can also benefit from enabling technologies. A creative enterprise 4.0 enjoys increased productivity and efficiency, improved product quality, greater flexibility and adaptability of its creative processes, reduced internal costs with consequent new business opportunities, and better working conditions in general.

Definition of enabling technologies

Enabling technologies represent the beating heart of Industry 4.0. These technologies, defined by the European Commission as “knowledge-intensive,” are the result of intensive research and development and are characterized by:

  • Rapid innovation cycles: continuous evolution makes them increasingly powerful and versatile tools;
  • Substantial investment expenditures: their development requires significant resources, reflecting their potential impact;
  • Highly skilled jobs: their management and exploitation require advanced skills.

Enabling technologies are critical to growth and employment because they increase efficiency and productivity, improving the quality of products and services. These tools innovate processes, products and services, opening new frontiers in all economic sectors, and creating new business opportunities. In addition, products based on these technologies offer advanced solutions and meet the needs of an increasingly demanding market.

The 9 enabling technologies

Often associated with futuristic scenarios, enabling technologies are already a reality for many small and medium-sized enterprises. Because of their accessibility and ease of use, they enable even the smallest businesses to transform their processes and compete globally. The 9 enabling technologies defined by Boston Consulting, a U.S.-based strategy consulting firm, and incorporated into the Ministry of Economic Development’s “Impresa 4.0” National Plan are:

  1. Advanced manufacturing systems
  2. Additive manufacturing
  3. AR – Augmented reality (there is a dedicated article in our blog right here!)
  4. Simulations
  5. Clouds
  6. Vertical and horizontal integrations
  7. Internet of things
  8. Cybersecurity
  9. Big data

The CHRONES. team was in charge of talking about it for the 100 + 1 WORKSHOP project curated by Sciara Progetti: 101 free training courses, co-funded by PNRR, for cultural workers, artists, creators, educators, and administrators to learn new tools, refine strategies, and disseminate good practices in the field of digital innovation for the Creative Cultural Enterprise. Take a look or register here!

Industry 4.0 is already having a significant impact on many industries and will continue to do so in the years to come. It is an opportunity for companies to innovate and improve their competitiveness in the global marketplace and to achieve their creative goals!

Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash

Carla Andolina

Carla Andolina CHRONES. COO About us
15 May 2024

From Lord of the Rings to Evangelion and Ace Attorney, she’s learned that the right team makes all the difference! Creating magical experiences and lasting networks is her mission: bringing together talents from unexpected fields to make 1+1 equal 3! From acting she moved to contemporary dance and social media management: there is no right way to say things, only the most useful! For more than 3 years she’s been SEPHIROT®’s trooper and now she organizes CHRONES.’s forefront expeditions! Allons-y!

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Cultural and Creative Industry 4.0

How to use enabling technologies for your cultural industry!

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CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta.aP.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy

CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta. P.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy