INSTILLING VISIONS | Interview with Lisa Merletti
INSTILLING VISIONS | Interview with Lisa Merletti, concept artist of SEPHIROT® INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE
By Carla Andolina|2025-03-01T12:07:42+01:001 March 2025|Tags: Interview, SEPHIROT INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE, VR|
INSTILLING VISIONS | Interview with Lisa Merletti, concept artist of SEPHIROT® INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE
By Carla Andolina|2025-02-07T10:38:02+01:006 February 2025|Tags: Interview, SEPHIROT INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE, VR|
INVENTING A NEW REALITY | Interview with Alessandro Anglani, Game Director of SEPHIROT® INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE
By CHRONES. SRL|2024-11-13T11:34:27+01:0011 November 2024|Tags: CHRONES., educationalgame, Gamification, SEPHIROT® SYSTEM|
The Only Show that Makes You Feel Proud: the Sephirot® System and the Four Keys to Fun while playing!
By Carla Andolina|2024-06-27T17:47:03+01:006 June 2024|Tags: CHRONES., Edutainment, Gamification, Interview, SEPHIROT® SYSTEM|
CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS is the day-long event for CHRONES. anniversary!
By Carla Andolina|2024-05-29T11:23:48+01:0029 May 2024|Tags: CHRONES., Gamification|
Women developers and game designers: a perspective on the history and present state of women in gaming
By Carla Andolina|2024-05-25T12:11:09+01:0025 May 2024|Tags: Gamification, SEPHIROT® SYSTEM|
WHAT IS INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING | Disambiguation: no more confusion about what interactive storytelling is!
By Carla Andolina|2024-05-18T16:10:38+01:0020 May 2024|Tags: artificialintelligence, Interview|
Face to face with generative artificial intelligence | A discussion with ChatGPT 4 about AIs that create content
By Carla Andolina|2024-05-11T16:18:01+01:0015 May 2024|Tags: industry4.0|
Cultural and creative industry 4.0: how to use enabling technologies for your cultural industry!
By Carla Andolina|2024-04-17T07:36:27+01:0017 April 2024|Tags: Interview, VR|
THE TECHNOLOGY THAT MOVES YOU | Interview with Margherita Landi, XR artist working with VR and real-time composition!
By Carla Andolina|2024-04-10T09:16:37+01:0010 April 2024|Tags: Interview, VR|
LOVE, DANCE AND ROBOTS - An interview with Cora Gasparotti, dancer and coreographer working with emerging technologies in the Metaverse!
By Carla Andolina|2024-03-29T14:52:00+01:003 April 2024|Tags: CHRONES., Gamification|
How to use games to engage audiences and spread your brand during live events: from the design phase to the follow-up after the event, users will remember what fun they had during your initiative!
By Carla Andolina|2024-03-14T22:28:29+01:0027 March 2024|Tags: Gamification, VR|
The Metaverse explained to your uncle: a brief guide to understanding the origin and the future of the Metaverse!
By Carla Andolina|2024-03-12T17:44:37+01:0021 March 2024|Tags: Edutainment, scuola4.0, VR|
Beyond reality: VR, AR, MR and XR! Discover the differences between these technologies!
By Carla Andolina|2024-03-14T10:34:52+01:0014 March 2024|Tags: CHRONES.|
What does CHRONES. mean? The origin behind the name of our company!
By Carla Andolina|2024-01-31T12:17:50+01:0030 January 2024|Tags: educationalgame, Edutainment, Gamification, giocodidattico, scuola4.0|
How to include Games in Education: all the possibilities for a student-centric, engaging learning experience!
By Carla Andolina|2024-03-09T12:55:59+01:0015 January 2024|Tags: Gamification, Interview, SEPHIROT® SYSTEM|
The Ultimate guide to Interactive Theater: the responsibilities that come with being both the audience and the real author of the experience!
CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta.aP.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta. P.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy